Circle Celebration

The Circle Sayings Bundle works perfectly for one of my favorite card layouts! For this simple card, I’ve also used the Stylish Shapes Dies to add in an additional larger circle for a matting layer under the greeting.

The only thing that I didn’t like about this card was the way that the pretty Inked Botanicals Designer Series Paper lifted up where the ribbon was tucked under. To fix this problem, at the Camping & Stamping Event, the ladies adhered the ribbon to the back of the greeting circle and then added a glue dot under the ribbon on each end. It worked perfectly to solve the issue!

The shinny More Dazzle paper and Naturally Gilded papers give the card a festive air and are punched using the 2 3/8″ Circle Punch which can be purchased as a Bundle with the Circle Sayings stamp set.

I’ve chosen Lost Lagoon ink and paper colors for this card but it would look lovely in any color to match the recipient’s favorite.

On another happy note, our air conditioning is working again!!! Yay!! It was just a part that the technician had with him. I would highly recommend Daston Mechanical from Dassel, Minnesota for heating and cooling installation and repairs, if you live in the area and are looking for someone.


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