A Walk Through My Gardens

Now that it’s late summer the gardens no longer look fresh, but there is still beauty to be found. I usually share my pretty spring and early summer garden photos but this year I’ve been lax and didn’t get any photos taken until now.

The August Meaningful Flowers Paper Pumpkin Kit features waterlily stamps, which sent me out to take some pictures of my waterlilies. This year I have white and yellow ones, but they are blooming profusely right now.

A spike and some coleus with some trailing vines found a home at the top of my water fall, overlooking the large pond, which is home to a dozen large koi.

Behind the waterfall is my fairy garden. Each of the little pathway stones has a grandchild’s name painted on it.

These white blossoms are something new that I found this year at Holasek’s green house in Lester Prairie. I don’t recall their name, but they had loads of gorgeous blooms in early summer, took a break and are starting over again.

This fun alligator came back from Florida with us. There is a wonderful place in Lake Wales that sells concrete figures. The owners are super helpful and the prices are very reasonable.

Isn’t this simple white petunia stunning? They are nestled in amongst some Heuchera which are a dark chocolate color.

This Weeping Pussy Willow is a family favorite. His name is Cousin It. It’s fun to watch the birds disappear into him. They land on the top and just sink into the branches. He is in need of a hair cut.

This Norway Maple has survived through a tornado and hail storms. It was given to my husband by my grandmother back in the 90’s and started out as a 3′ tall little stick. My grandmother was the best gardener I ever knew. I think of her often while out in my gardens. I can still almost see her with her scarf tied on her head and a cigarette with an inch of ash hanging on it, lol. She said the smoke kept the bugs away.

These green lilies usually reside by the pond but this year they moved to the bed along the front walk. They got planted late this spring so are a bit behind their usual size.

My Burrow’s Tail spends winter’s in my solarium and summers out in his feisty roost, right by the front door.

These Celosia have taken over my flower bed in front of my Solarium! I have pulled and pulled them out, trying to leave only a few, but the bed is solid with them.

These ‘volunteers’ are growing in the cracks of my walk. I usually pull them out but this bunch seemed to need to be there.

I just love simple little Bachelor Button’s! I have a little blue pitcher shaped vase that a few cut blooms look just perfect in.

If it isn’t the rabbits or the deer eating my plants it’s the bugs! These little green things have been hard on my Zinnia’s and rebooking Iris.

I’m one of those weird people who like bees. No, I don’t like being stung by them, but most times if you leave them alone they won’t sting. I actually avoid killing the garter snakes when mowing too.

My final photo today reminds me that I have some work to do outside! I have five apple trees and this year they have a bumper crop. The pies are in the freezer, apple chips are dried and now on to cider and apple sauce.

I hope that you have enjoy this walk through my gardens. Get out and enjoy nature whenever you can. Even if it’s on a simple patio, small backyard or local park.

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