Faux Watercolor

Today’s card uses a Faux Watercolor Technique with the Wonderful World SALE-a-bration stamp set and the Amazing Phrasing SALE-a-bratioin stamp set.

To achieve this look, the rose was first inked with Magenta Madness ink then a Gorgeous Grape ink pad was rolled around the edges of the rose. The stem was inked using a Stampin’ Write Marker. Then the stamp was spritzed with water and stamped onto the Fluid 100 paper multiple times before cleaning the stamp and repeating.

Use more water if you want a softer more defused look. I debated on adding more flowers but decided to stop where I did. Three times stamping with one inking seemed to be the most that I was able to get.

This image had a bit more water and you can see that there is less detail, with a softer look. There are two pieces of the mesh ribbon added under the greeting. The die cut label is actually a left over from another project. It is the center of one of the Fancy Frames Dies cut outs.

FAIR WEEK SPECIAL Place a $100 order by Sunday evening and get 2 FREE SALE-a-bration items PLUS free shipping Email me your order, rrasset@frontier with a phone number and I will call you to finalize the order.


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